Health Information On Pediasure and Abbott Nutrition’s Products

Seeing as there are now too many options of nutrition formula readily available, selecting the proper product for the ideal individual who consumes it is critical. Whilst the most effective way to avoid confusion is by consulting a health practitioner, we’d like to speak about some valuable information regarding nutritional products by Abbott Nutrition for you, and who is going to really benefit from each one. Besides that, Abbott Nutrition also provides useful articles, for example, guide in preparation for an ultrasound.

Abbott Nutrition Products Guidance


Pediasure is a good for children as a nutrition source, as it would be common for the children now to become fussy eaters, which caused them not to take in the daily dose of proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals as recommended. For the reason that poor nutrition makes children more susceptible to diseases, daily intake of 3 cups of Pediasure may help to strengthen their antibody level.

Pediasure contains lots of the nutrients required to ensure steady growth. This formula milk contains biotin, Vitamin A & B12, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, as well as other nutrients which each serves the particular purpose that provides to the same objective, that could be optimum mental and physical growth.


To grant your baby a good head start to life, Similac provides for an array of carefully researched products that delivers a combination of choline, lutein, taurine, iron, iodine, ARA, DHA, and natural vitamin E and more to support your baby’s growth and development into a healthy child. Similac also has products in adult nutrition, child nutrition, sports nutrition and therapeutic to cater to everyone.


For mums during pregnancy and lactation period, try Similac Mom. This is another quality product from Abbott Nutrition that is enriched with 23 differnt nutritional requirements. Drinking and consuming Similac Mom aids you to supplement the nutrients necessary for mother, so that the fetus and infant could also receive enough nutrients for healthy growth.


At the same time, Ensure is a formula which is made for physically fragile adults with a low level of energy, for instance elderly. As it offers the same calories as Pediasure, this product’s formulation happens to be adjusted based relating to the geriatric population’s daily needs, with a higher number of biotin, copper, chromium, magnesium, niacin, selenium, and a lot more.

For a separate note, it is recommended understand that Ensure ought not to be provided to children. This is definitely primarily because of the proportion of nutrients in this particular milk formulation is produced for adults. Alternatively, Ensure is considered the appropriate product for tube feeding for those of you striving consuming solid food.

To sum the whole thing up, knowing and choosing the suitable formula is crucial. With so many different formulas offered in the actual marketplace, but not only Abbott Nutrition products, you would quite likely get confused before choosing. Now, by knowing some info and purpose of the products, we hope to successfully help you choose better. Find out more at and now.